Category Archives: Atlassian Intelligence

Jira Software and Jira Work Management Become Jira

Jira Software and Jira Work Management Become Jira - thumbnail

At this year’s edition of the Team ’24 customer and user conference, Atlassian has just announced at this year’s edition of the Team ’24 customer and user conference that its two flagship software solutions, Jira Software and Jira Work Management, are being merged into one solution. It bears the simple name Jira, without a name tag. Find out what changes for whom.

New in Jira, Confluence and Co.: A Team Member Named ‘Atlassian Intelligence’

New in Jira, Confluence and Co - A Team Member Named Atlassian Intelligence - thumbnail

The first wave of Atlassian Intelligence features has now been delivered and is generally available for the cloud platform. They are designed to help teams work together more productively, get things done faster and utilise company data more effectively to make better decisions. Let’s take a look at which features Atlassian has recently released and which will follow soon.